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Talks I've held at various conferences, ordered in chronological order.
- Quasiconf 2014: Emacs Lisp or Why Emacs' Extension Language Is Worth Another Look
- Quasiconf 2015: Emacs as my Canvas
- Quasiconf 2016: MAL - Making a Lisp
- CHICKEN Sun and Fun Conference 2016: Explorations in GUI programming with CHICKEN
- Openchaos 2017-01: MAL - Making a Lisp
- Openchaos 2017-06: Interim - Zwischen Plan 9 und Lisp Machine
- CHICKEN in the forest: The state of R7RS - Implementing MAL in portable Scheme, Playing the piano with Kawa
- Openchaos 2017-10: Klavier spielen mit Kawa Scheme
- Longboat CHICKEN: Knowing Just Enough Crypto to be Dangerous
- Openchaos 2018-10: Krypto knacken für Anfänger
- SaarCHICKEN 2019: State of Retro Gaming in Emacs
- Openchaos 2019-11: State of Retro Gaming in Emacs
- SecCamp 2019: Knowing just enough crypto to be dangerous, Actually using radare2, WTF CTF
- Openchaos 2020-01: Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Internet
- Emacsconf 2020: State of Retro Gaming in Emacs
- CHICKEN Online Coding Jam 2021: Towards a better Duckyscript toolchain
- Village CHICKENs 2023: X11 programming in Emacs Lisp - A descent into madness
- Emacsconf 2023: Speedcubing in Emacs