![][image] ## About A zone program displaying a textual clock, much like the `clock-mode` command in tmux. ## Installation Install via `package.el` from [MELPA] or [MELPA Stable]. ## Usage Run `M-x zone-tmux-clock-preview` for a preview (yes, zone doesn't have a preview command for checking out its programs). To choose `zone-tmux-clock` as your only zone program, add the following to your init file: ```elisp (setq zone-programs [zone-tmux-clock]) ``` Then either use `M-x zone` for instant gratification or `M-x zone-when-idle` to run it after idling. ## Customization Use `M-x customize-group RET zone-tmux-clock RET` to view the available knobs. It's possible to change the rendering style and to use the 12 hour format. ## FAQ Q: I've found an error, but all Emacs says is that you were zoning out when writing zone-tmux-clock... A: I don't know why, but zone bypasses regular Emacs error handling and displays an useless message instead. Use `M-x toggle-debug-on-error`, switch to a buffer you don't mind losing, then `M-: (zone-tmux-clock-progress (current-buffer))` and report a bug with the backtrace and additional system information (your Emacs build, operating system, origin and version of the package). [image]: img/screencast.gif [MELPA]: https://melpa.org/ [MELPA Stable]: https://stable.melpa.org