import os import re from time import time as now import requests import znc API_USER = os.getenv('API_USER') API_TOKEN = os.getenv('API_TOKEN') def debug(*args): with open('/tmp/c4push-debug.log', 'a') as log: log.write('[{}] {!r}\n'.format(now(), args)) def notify(message):'', data = {'user': API_USER, 'token': API_TOKEN, 'message': message}) class c4push(znc.Module): module_types = [znc.CModInfo.NetworkModule] description = 'Send notifications when the C4 hackerspace opens its doors' def OnTopic(self, nick, channel, sTopic): nick = nick.GetNick() channel = channel.GetName() topic = str(sTopic) if channel == '#cccc': debug(nick, channel, topic) if'Club ist offen', topic): notify('Club ist offen!')