;; NOTE this script will most likely not work on your computer as ;; everything using /sys or /proc is hardcoded (import scheme) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken condition)) (import (chicken io)) (import (chicken port)) (import (chicken pretty-print)) (import (chicken string)) (import (chicken time posix)) (import (srfi 1)) (import (srfi 18)) (import format) (import matchable) (import medea) (import (prefix mpd-client mpd-)) (define sleep-time 1) (define (format-seconds seconds) (let* ((time (inexact->exact (round seconds))) (minutes (quotient time 60)) (seconds (remainder time 60))) (format "~2,'0d:~2,'0d" minutes seconds))) (define (format-track-progress elapsed duration) (and elapsed duration (format "~a/~a" (format-seconds elapsed) (format-seconds duration)))) ;; TODO get mpd-client workaround upstream (define mpd-connection (condition-case (mpd-connect) ((exn) #f))) (define (mpd-reconnect) (condition-case (set! mpd-connection (mpd-connect)) ((exn) #f))) (define (mpd-available) (condition-case (alist-ref 'state (mpd-get-status mpd-connection)) ((exn) (begin (mpd-reconnect) #f)))) (define (mpd-state) (if (mpd-available) (let* ((current-status (mpd-get-status mpd-connection)) (state (alist-ref 'state current-status)) (playing? (not (equal? 'stop state))) (elapsed (alist-ref 'elapsed current-status)) (current-song (mpd-get-current-song mpd-connection)) (artist (alist-ref 'Artist current-song)) (album (alist-ref 'Album current-song)) (track (alist-ref 'Track current-song)) (title (alist-ref 'Title current-song)) (duration (alist-ref 'Time current-song)) (progress (format-track-progress elapsed duration))) (list playing? artist album track title progress)) (list #f #f #f #f #f #f))) (define (read-file path) ;; NOTE: call-with-input-file doesn't close the fd on error (call-with-input-file path (lambda (in) (condition-case (read-lines in) (e (exn i/o file) (close-input-port in) (abort e)))))) (define wifi-max-quality 70) ; something magic, driver-specific (define (wifi-quality) (let ((lines (drop (read-file "/proc/net/wireless") 2))) (if (not (null? lines)) (let* ((summary (string-split (car lines))) (quality (string->number (list-ref summary 2)))) (inexact->exact (round (* (/ quality wifi-max-quality) 100)))) 0))) (define download-column 1) (define upload-column 9) (define (internet-speed last-downloads last-uploads) (define (process-net-dev lines column) (let ((columns (map (lambda (line) (string->number (list-ref (string-split line) column))) lines))) (fold + 0 columns))) (let* (;; drop first two header lines (lines (drop (read-file "/proc/net/dev") 2)) ;; remove loopback interface (lines (remove (lambda (line) (equal? (car (string-split line)) "lo:")) lines)) (downloads (process-net-dev lines download-column)) (download (if last-downloads (/ (- downloads last-downloads) sleep-time) 0)) (uploads (process-net-dev lines upload-column)) (upload (if last-uploads (/ (- uploads last-uploads) sleep-time) 0))) (list downloads (/ download 1024.0) uploads (/ upload 1024.0)))) (define (clamp value) (min (max value 0) 100)) (define cpu-count 2) (define (cpu-usage last-cpu-usage) (let* ((lines (read-file "/proc/stat")) (summary (cdr (string-split (car lines)))) (user (string->number (car summary))) (nice (string->number (cadr summary))) (system (string->number (list-ref summary 2))) (used (+ user nice system)) (percentage (if last-cpu-usage (/ (- used last-cpu-usage) cpu-count sleep-time) 0))) ;; hack for displaying 0% at beginning (list used (clamp (inexact->exact (round percentage)))))) (define thermal-path "/sys/bus/acpi/devices/LNXTHERM:00/thermal_zone/temp") (define (cpu-temperature) (let ((line (car (read-file thermal-path)))) (/ (string->number line) 1000))) (define (used-ram-percentage) (let* ((lines (read-file "/proc/meminfo")) (available (string->number (cadr (string-split (car lines))))) (free (string->number (cadr (string-split (cadr lines))))) (buffers (string->number (cadr (string-split (list-ref lines 3))))) (cached (string->number (cadr (string-split (list-ref lines 4))))) (used (- available free buffers cached))) (clamp (inexact->exact (round (* (/ used available) 100)))))) (define (battery) (condition-case ;; NOTE: unlike with /proc, /sys files are not guaranteed to exist (let ((state (car (read-file "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status"))) (capacity (string->number (car (read-file "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity"))))) (list state (clamp capacity))) ((exn i/o file) (list "Unavailable" 0)))) (define (format-time) (time->string (seconds->local-time) "%H:%M")) (define (main) (set-buffering-mode! (current-output-port) #:line) (print "{\"version\":1}") (print "[") (let loop ((battery-blinker #f) (last-cpu-usage #f) (last-downloads #f) (last-uploads #f)) (match-let (((mpd-playing? mpd-artist mpd-album mpd-track mpd-title mpd-progress) (mpd-state)) (wifi (wifi-quality)) ((last-downloads download-speed last-uploads upload-speed) (internet-speed last-downloads last-uploads)) ((last-cpu-usage cpu-percentage) (cpu-usage last-cpu-usage)) (cpu-temp (cpu-temperature)) (ram (used-ram-percentage)) ((battery-state battery-percentage) (battery)) (time (format-time)) (foreground "#949494") (background "#1c1c1c") (highlight "#eeeeee") (purple "#ff0087") (cyan "#00d7ff") (green "#00d700") (orange "#ff5f00") (blue "#005fff") (red "#ff0000") (violet "#af00d7") (yellow "#ffd700")) (write-json (vector `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? "MPD: " "._.")) (color . ,purple) ,@(if mpd-playing? '((separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) '((separator . #t)))) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? (or mpd-artist "N/A") "")) (color . ,(if mpd-artist foreground cyan)) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? " - [" "")) (color . ,highlight) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? (or mpd-album mpd-progress) "")) (color . ,foreground) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? (if mpd-album " #" "") "")) (color . ,highlight) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? (if mpd-album (or mpd-track "N/A") "") "")) (color . ,(if (and mpd-playing? mpd-album (not mpd-track)) cyan foreground)) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? "] - " "")) (color . ,highlight) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(if mpd-playing? (or mpd-title "N/A") "")) (color . ,(if mpd-title foreground cyan))) `((full_text . "WiFi: ") (color . ,cyan) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(number->string wifi)) (color . ,(if (<= wifi 33) red foreground)) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . "%") (color . ,foreground)) `((full_text . "Down: ") (color . ,green) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(format "~,1f" download-speed)) (color . ,(if (>= download-speed 500) red foreground))) `((full_text . "Up: ") (color . ,orange) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(format "~,1f" upload-speed)) (color . ,(if (>= upload-speed 90) red foreground))) `((full_text . "CPU: ") (color . ,blue) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(number->string cpu-percentage)) (color . ,(if (>= cpu-percentage 50) red foreground)) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . "%") (color . ,foreground) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(format " (~dC)" cpu-temp)) (color . ,(if (>= cpu-temp 80) red foreground))) `((full_text . "RAM: ") (color . ,red) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(number->string ram)) (color . ,(if (>= ram 75) red foreground)) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . "%") (color . ,foreground)) `((full_text . "BAT: ") (color . ,violet) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(number->string battery-percentage)) (color . ,(cond ((string=? battery-state "Full") green) ((<= battery-percentage 20) (if battery-blinker red background)) ((string=? battery-state "Discharging") yellow) ((string=? battery-state "Charging") cyan) (else foreground))) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . "%") (color . ,foreground)) `((full_text . "Time: ") (color . ,yellow) (separator . #f) (separator_block_width . 1)) `((full_text . ,(string-append time " ")) (color . ,foreground)))) (print ",") (thread-sleep! sleep-time) (loop (not battery-blinker) last-cpu-usage last-downloads last-uploads)))) (condition-case (main) (condition (exn) (with-output-to-file "/tmp/statusbar.log" (lambda () (pp (condition->list condition))))))