;;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Vladimir Nikishkin ;;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vasilij Schneidermann ;;;; ;;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ;; -*- mode: scheme; -*- ;; Time-stamp: <2021-01-06 22:50:57 lockywolf> ;; Title: Testing SRFI-?. ;; Author: lockywolf ;; Date: <2020-11-03 Tue> ;;; Manual ;; The tests use the standard simple srfi-78 testing framework. ;; Run the tests in the interpreter and see which fail. This does not work with tests that run indefinitely. ;; For example, I, lockywolf, ran them like this: ;; ``` ;; cd srfi-216 ;; chibi-scheme -R ;; (load "srfi-216-tests.scm") (define (sleep-a-little) (define starting-time (current-second)) (let loop () (if (< (- (current-second) starting-time) 1) (loop)))) ;;; Test runtime. (check (> (let* ((first-value (runtime)) (second-value (begin (sleep-a-little) (runtime)))) (- second-value first-value)) 0) => #t) ;;; Test random. (check (> (random 100) -1) => #t) (check (< (random 100) 100) => #t) (check (exact-integer? (random 100)) => #t) (check (exact-integer? (random 100.0)) => #f) ;;; Test parallel-execute. ;; Testing parallel programming is always hard. ;; In this case, please verify that your code produces both 2 _and_ 3. (define (my-wait n) (if (= n 0) #t (my-wait (- n 1)))) (define testval 1) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 5) #f) (parallel-execute (lambda () (my-wait (random-integer 100)) (set! testval 2)) (lambda () (my-wait (random-integer 100)) (set! testval 3))) (check (or (begin (newline) (display "Test value=") (display testval) (newline) (= testval 2)) (begin (newline) (display "Test value=") (display testval) (newline) (= testval 3))) => #t)) ;; Testing test-and-set! (define cell (list #f)) (check (test-and-set! cell) => #f) (set-car! cell (list #t)) (check (test-and-set! cell) => #t) ; But how do we check atomicity? ;; Testing booleans. (check (if false #t #f) => #f) (check (if true #t #f) => #t) (check nil => '()) ;; Testing streams. (check (stream-null? the-empty-stream) => #t) (check (car (cons-stream 'a 'b)) => 'a) (check (promise? (cdr (cons-stream 'a 'b))) => #t) (check (force (cdr (cons-stream 'a 'b))) => 'b)