![][image] ## About Yowdy! This light theme is an experiment. While there's plenty of gorgeous-looking dark themes, I've had less luck with light themes, so here's my own take on that. There's a strong emphasis on shades of gray, variations in font weight/slant and sometimes a bit of color. For symmetry's sake a dark version is included. As a bonus this theme will work in 256-color terminal emulators as well. Enjoy! ## Screenshots ![][screenshot] ![][screenshot2] ## Installation Set up the [MELPA (stable)] repository if you haven't already and install with `M-x package-install RET punpun-themes RET`. ## Usage Either load the theme interactively with `M-x load-theme RET punpun-light RET` or in your init file with: (load-theme 'punpun-light t) Replace `punpun-light` with `punpun-dark` for the dark version. [image]: img/banner.png [screenshot]: img/light.png [screenshot2]: img/dark.png [MELPA (stable)]: http://melpa.org/