string read_word(string prompt) { write(prompt); return Stdio.stdin->gets(); } array(string) read_words(string prompt) { array(string) words = ({}); string word; while ((word = read_word(prompt))) { words += ({word}); } return words; } int the_answer() { return 2 * 3 * (4 + 3); } function make_greeter(string target) { return lambda() { write("Hello %s!\n", target); }; } string hostname() { return Stdio.FILE("/etc/hostname")->gets(); } array(mixed) fail_gracefully() { return catch { throw(({"test", 42})); }; } mixed splat(function op, array(mixed) args) { return op(@args); } array(string) tokenize(string input) { mixed re = Regexp.PCRE("[ \t\n]*([-+*/()]|[0-9]+)"); int i = 0; array(string) tokens = ({}); while (i < sizeof(input)) { mixed match = re.exec(input, i); if (match == Regexp.PCRE.ERROR.NOMATCH) { i = sizeof(input); } else { int from = match[2], to = match[3], size = to - from; string token = input[]; tokens += ({token}); i = to; } } return tokens; } array(mixed) keys(mapping dict) { array(mixed) result = ({}); foreach(dict; mixed key; mixed val) { result += ({key}); } return result; } class rect { int size; void create(int s) { size = s; } } float now() { return gethrtime() / 1000.0; }