![][image] ## About Gotham is a **very dark** Emacs color theme. It's a port of the [Gotham theme for Vim] and tries adhering closely to the original. There is support for both GUI and terminal Emacs. The terminal version assumes that your terminal emulator comes with a customized 16-color palette from the [Gotham contrib repository], however you can enable 256 color support by customizing `gotham-tty-extended-palette` in exchange for a negligible amount of color degradation. ## Screenshots ![][screenshot] Thanks to [Norbert Klar] for the following three! ![][go-screenshot] ![][go-screenshot2] ![][go-screenshot3] ## Installation To install the theme via `package.el`, set up the [MELPA (Stable)] repository if you haven't already and do `M-x package-install RET gotham-theme RET`. Alternatively, you can install the theme manually by downloading `gotham-theme.el` and putting it in a suitable location such as `~/.emacs.d/themes/`. Add the following to your init file: (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/themes/")) Once the theme is installed, you can enable it with `M-x load-theme RET gotham RET`. Make sure no other themes are enabled with `M-x disable-theme`. To enable the theme automatically at startup, add the following to your init file: (load-theme 'gotham t) [image]: img/gotham.png [Gotham theme for Vim]: https://github.com/whatyouhide/vim-gotham [Gotham contrib repository]: https://github.com/whatyouhide/gotham-contrib [screenshot]: img/scrot.png [Norbert Klar]: https://github.com/norbertklar [go-screenshot]: img/go.png [go-screenshot2]: img/go2.png [go-screenshot3]: img/go3.png [MELPA (Stable)]: http://melpa.org/