set gui=none set focuscontent " TODO: find a way to add these automatically " 10965: a " 13110: y " 13127: imdb " 14900: g " 14907: maps " 24854: disc " 25513: dict " 29720: d " 43012: we " 43722: wd " 45398: i " 72736: e " 73601: r " 19493: anidb " 30014: manga " 23469: aur " 25517: pkg " 74926: aw " 50956: ew " 23766: git " 70236: mdn set defsearch=d set editor=em set hintchars=asdfghjkl; nnoremap h 5h nnoremap j 5j nnoremap k 5k nnoremap l 5l nmap J gT nmap K gt nmap < :tabmove -1<CR> nmap > :tabmove +1<CR> " screw you, github and stackexchange imap <A-i> <C-i> " TODO: left-align status bar (with CSS?) nmap s :open d nmap S :tabopen d " NOTE: unsafe nmap <S-q> :js"urlhandler", [buffer.URI]) nmap <S-y> :js util.copyToClipboard(content.document.title)<CR> nmap e :bmarks! -tags favorites nmap <S-e> :bmarks! -tags tracker " TODO: remove after fixed release is out js";1?name=unifiedcomplete"