set abort_noattach = ask-yes set alias_file = ~/.mutt/aliases set alias_format = "%4n %t %-20a %r" set ascii_chars = no set askcc set assumed_charset = "utf-8:us-ascii:iso-8859-1" set attach_keyword = "\\<(attach(|ed|ments?)|patch)\\>" set beep_new unset collapse_unread unset confirmappend set charset = "utf-8" set date_format = "%m/%d/%y at %I:%M%P" set delete set edit_headers set editor = "/usr/bin/vim +:silent+?^$" set fast_reply set folder = ~/.mail set folder_format = "%2C %8s %d %f" set forward_format = "Fwd: %s" set forward_quote set header_cache = ~/.mutt/cache/headers set include set index_format = "%3C %Z %[!%m/%d] %-25.25F %s" set ispell = "aspell -e -c" set mail_check = 0 set mail_check_stats set mail_check_stats_interval = 10 unset mark_old unset markers set message_cachedir = ~/.mutt/cache/bodies set mbox_type = Maildir set menu_scroll set pager = builtin set pager_context = 5 set pager_index_lines = 10 set pager_stop set pipe_decode # set print_command = "enscript -p - | psselect -r | lp" set quit = ask-no set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+" set reply_regexp = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*" set reply_to set reverse_alias set reverse_name set sendmail_wait = -1 set send_charset = "utf-8:us-ascii:iso-8859-1" set sleep_time = 0 set sidebar_divider_char = '│' set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S" set sidebar_visible = no set sidebar_width = 24 unset sig_dashes # empty signatures, use set sig_dashes otherwise set sort = threads set strict_threads = yes set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received unset sort_re set spoolfile = "+private/inbox" set status_chars = " *%A" set status_format = "───[ Folder: %f ]───[%r%m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]───%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?───" set thorough_search set thread_received set tilde set timeout = 30 set tmpdir = ~/.mutt/temp set uncollapse_jump set use_envelope_from unset wait_key alternates hurrus\.durrus@gmail\.com v\.schneidermann@gmail\.com webspider@farce\.de wassili@ip6\.li v\.schneidermann@web\.de auto_view text/html text/plain text/enriched #alternative_order text/enriched text/html text/plain alternative_order text/plain text/enriched folder-hook private/* "source ~/.mutt/private" folder-hook public/* "source ~/.mutt/public" folder-hook bevuta/* "source ~/.mutt/bevuta" folder-hook mailbox/* "source ~/.mutt/mailbox" folder-hook . "exec collapse-all" ignore * unignore from: to: cc: date: subject: unhdr_order * hdr_order from: to: cc: date: subject: mailboxes +private/inbox +private/archive +private/sent +private/trash mailboxes +public/inbox +public/archive +public/sent +public/trash mailboxes +bevuta/inbox +bevuta/sent mailboxes +mailbox/Inbox +mailbox/Sent bind index i noop bind index x noop bind index g noop bind index gg first-entry bind index J next-unread bind index K previous-unread bind index L display-message bind index G last-entry bind index,pager n next-new-then-unread bind pager i exit bind pager q toggle-quoted bind pager / search bind pager j next-line bind pager k previous-line bind pager J next-undeleted bind pager K previous-undeleted bind pager g noop bind pager gg top bind pager G bottom bind index,pager \# noop bind index,pager \& noop bind index,pager R group-reply bind index,pager @ compose-to-sender macro index ,i "!" "go to inbox" macro index ,p "cat > ~/" "save message as" macro index ,v "" "collapse/uncollapse thread" macro index ,V "" "collapse/uncollapse all threads" macro index ,r "allNall" "mark all as read" macro index ,R ",r" "mark all as read (collapsed)" macro index o "checkmail" "check for new mail" macro index C "?" "copy a message to a mailbox" macro index M "?" "move a message to a mailbox" macro pager \cb "'urlview'" "use urlview to follow links" macro index,pager 1 "+private/inbox" "go to private inbox" macro index,pager 2 "+private/archive" "go to private archive" macro index,pager 3 "+private/sent" "go to private sent" macro index,pager 4 "+private/trash" "go to private trash" macro index,pager 5 "+public/inbox" "go to public inbox" macro index,pager 6 "+public/archive" "go to public archive" macro index,pager 7 "+public/sent" "go to public sent" macro index,pager 8 "+public/trash" "go to public trash" macro index,pager 9 "+bevuta/inbox" "go to bevuta inbox" macro index,pager 0 "+bevuta/sent" "go to bevuta sent" macro index,pager - "+mailbox/Inbox" "go to mailbox inbox" macro index,pager = "+mailbox/Sent" "go to mailbox sent" macro index,pager b "toggle sidebar_visible" "toggle sidebar" source /usr/share/doc/neomutt/samples/gpg.rc source $alias_file source ~/.mutt/colors source ~/.mutt/private