# Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and Invalid-Curve Attacks I'm not going to show you any graphs - if you want to see one, you can find them in, like, every other elliptic curve tutorial on the internet. Personally, I've never been able to gain much insight from them. They're also really hard to draw in ASCII. The key thing to understand about elliptic curves is that they're a setting analogous in many ways to one we're more familiar with, the multiplicative integers mod p. So if we learn how certain primitive operations are defined, we can reason about them using a lot of tools we already have in our utility belts. Let's dig in. An elliptic curve E is just an equation like this: y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b The choice of the a and b coefficients defines the curve. The elements in our group are going to be (x, y) coordinates satisfying the curve equation. Now, there are infinitely many pairs like that on the curve, but we only want to think about some of them. We'll trim our set of points down by considering the curve in the context of a finite field. For the moment, it's not too important to know what a finite field is. You can basically just think of it as "integers mod p" with all the usual operations you expect: multiplication, division (via modular inversion), addition, and subtraction. We'll use the notation GF(p) to talk about a finite field of size p. (The "GF" is for "Galois field", another name for a finite field.) When we take a curve E over field GF(p) (written E(GF(p))), what we're saying is that only points with both x and y in GF(p) are valid. For example, (3, 6) might be a valid point in E(GF(7)), but it wouldn't be a valid point in E(GF(5)); 6 is not a member of GF(5). (3, 4.7) wouldn't be a valid point on either curve, since 4.7 is not an integer and thus not a member of either field. What about (3, -1)? This one is on the curve, but remember we're in some GF(p). So in GF(7), -1 is actually 6. That means (3, -1) and (3, 6) are the same point. In GF(5), -1 is 4, so blah blah blah you get what I'm saying. Okay: if these points are going to form a group analogous to the multiplicative integers mod p, we need to have an analogous set of primitive functions to work with them. 1. In the multiplicative integers mod p, we combined two elements by multiplying them together and taking the remainder modulo p. We combine elliptic curve points by adding them. We'll talk about what that means in a hot second. 2. We used 1 as a multiplicative identity: y * 1 = y for all y. On an elliptic curve, we define the identity O as an abstract "point at infinity" that doesn't map to any actual (x, y) pair. This might feel like a bit of a hack, but it works. On the curve, we have the straightforward rule that P + O = P for all P. In your code, you can just write something like O := object(), since it only ever gets used in pointer comparisons. Or you can use some sentinel coordinate that doesn't satisfy the curve equation; (0, 1) is popular. 3. We had a modinv function to invert an integer mod p. This acted as a stand-in for division. Given y, it finds x such that y * x = 1. Inversion is way easier in elliptic curves. Just flip the sign on y, and remember that we're in GF(p): invert((x, y)) = (x, -y) = (x, p-y) Just like with multiplicative inverses, we have this rule on elliptic curves: P + (-P) = P + invert(P) = O Incidentally, these primitives, along with a finite set of elements, are all we need to define a finite cyclic group, which is all we need to define the Diffie-Hellman function. Not important to understand the abstract jargon, just FYI. Let's talk about addition. Here it is: function add(P1, P2): if P1 = O: return P2 if P2 = O: return P1 if P1 = invert(P2): return O x1, y1 := P1 x2, y2 := P2 if P1 = P2: m := (3*x1^2 + a) / 2*y1 else: m := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) x3 := m^2 - x1 - x2 y3 := m*(x1 - x3) - y1 return (x3, y3) The first three checks are simple - they pretty much just implement the rules we have for the identity and inversion. After that we, uh, use math. You can read more about that part elsewhere, if you're interested. It's not too important to us, but it (sort of) makes sense in the context of those graphs I'm not showing you. There's one more thing we need. In the multiplicative integers, we expressed repeated multiplication as exponentiation, e.g.: y * y * y * y * y = y^5 We implemented this using a modexp function that walked the bits of the exponent with a square-and-multiply inner loop. On elliptic curves, we'll use scalar multiplication to express repeated addition, e.g.: P + P + P + P + P = 5*P Don't be confused by the shared notation: scalar multiplication is not analogous to multiplication in the integers. It's analogous to exponentiation. Your scalarmult function will look pretty much exactly the same as your modexp function, except with the primitives swapped out. Actually, you wanna hear something great? You could define a generic scale function parameterized over a group that works as a drop-in implementation for both. Like this: function scale(x, k): result := identity while k > 0: if odd(k): result := combine(result, x) x := combine(x, x) k := k >> 1 return result The combine function would delegate to modular multiplication or elliptic curve point depending on the group. It's kind of like the definition of a group constitutes a kind of interface, and we have these two different implementations we can swap out freely. To extend this metaphor, here's a generic Diffie-Hellman: function generate_keypair(): secret := random(1, baseorder) public := scale(base, secret) return (secret, public) function compute_secret(peer_public, self_secret): return scale(peer_public, self_secret) Simplicity itself! The base and baseorder attributes map to g and q in the multiplicative integer setting. It's pretty much the same on a curve: we'll have a base point G and its order n such that: n*G = O The fact that these two settings share so many similarities (and can even share a naive implementation) is great news. It means we already have a lot of the tools we need to reason about (and attack) elliptic curves! Let's put this newfound knowledge into action. Implement a set of functions up to and including elliptic curve scalar multiplication. (Remember that all computations are in GF(p), i.e. mod p.) You can use this curve: y^2 = x^3 - 95051*x + 11279326 Over GF(233970423115425145524320034830162017933). Use this base point: (182, 85518893674295321206118380980485522083) It has order 29246302889428143187362802287225875743. Oh yeah, order. Finding the order of an elliptic curve group turns out to be a bit tricky, so just trust me when I tell you this one has order 233970423115425145498902418297807005944. That factors to 2^3 * 29246302889428143187362802287225875743. Note: it's totally possible to pick an elliptic curve group whose order is just a straight-up prime number. This would mean that every point on the curve (except the identity) would have the same order, since the group order would have no other divisors. The NIST P-curves are like this. Our curve has almost-prime order. There's just that small cofactor of 2^3, which is beneficial for reasons we'll cover later. Don't worry about it for now. If your implementation works correctly, it should be easy to verify: remember that multiplying the base point by its order should yield the group identity. Implement ECDH and verify that you can do a handshake correctly. In this case, Alice and Bob's secrets will be scalars modulo the base point order and their public elements will be points. If you implemented the primitives correctly, everything should "just work". Next, reconfigure your protocol from #57 to use it. Can we apply the subgroup-confinement attacks from #57 in this setting? At first blush, it seems like it will be pretty difficult, since the cofactor is so small. We can recover, like, three bits by sending a point with order 8, but that's about it. There just aren't enough small-order points on the curve. How about not on the curve? Wait, what? Yeah, points *not* on the curve. Look closer at our combine function. Notice anything missing? The b parameter of the curve is not accounted for anywhere. This is because we have four inputs to the calculation: the curve parameters (a, b) and the point coordinates (x, y). Given any three, you can calculate the fourth. In other words, we don't need b because b is already baked into every valid (x, y) pair. There's a dangerous assumption there: namely, that the peer will submit a valid (x, y) pair. If Eve can submit an invalid pair, that really opens up her play: now she can pick points from any curve that differs only in its b parameter. All she has to do is find some curves with small subgroups and cherry-pick a few points of small order. Alice will unwittingly compute the shared secret on the wrong curve and leak a few bits of her private key in the process. How do we find suitable curves? Well, remember that I mentioned counting points on elliptic curves is tricky. If you're very brave, you can implement Schoof-Elkies-Atkins. Or you can use a computer algebra system like SageMath. Or you can just use these curves I generated for you: y^2 = x^3 - 95051*x + 210 y^2 = x^3 - 95051*x + 504 y^2 = x^3 - 95051*x + 727 They have orders: 233970423115425145550826547352470124412 233970423115425145544350131142039591210 233970423115425145545378039958152057148 They should have a fair few small factors between them. So: find some points of small order and send them to Alice. You can use the same trick from before to find points of some prime order r. Suppose the group has order q. Pick some random point and multiply by q/r. If you land on the identity, start over. It might not be immediately obvious how to choose random points, but you can just pick an x and calculate y. This will require you to implement a modular square root algorithm; use Tonelli-Shanks, it's pretty straightforward. Implement the key-recovery attack from #57 using small-order points from invalid curves.