require_relative '../util' ROLE = ENV['ROLE'] || 'C' C = '/tmp/cryptopals-38-C'.freeze S = '/tmp/cryptopals-38-S'.freeze NIST_PRIME = 0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff assert(%w(C S).include?(ROLE)) ensure_pipe(C) ensure_pipe(S) # much like with challenge 36, the description is subtly wrong again # (if the server knew the password and salt, why would it need to # crack them from the hash?), instead it should look like this: # prelude: # # C & S # Agree on N=[NIST Prime], g=2 # signup: # # C # Choose I (email) and P (password) # Generate salt as random integer # x = SHA256(salt|password) # v = g**x % n # C->S # Send I, salt, v # S # Save salt and v indexed by I # login: # # C->S # I, A = g**a % n # S->C # salt, B = g**b % n, u = 128 bit random number # C # x = SHA256(salt|password) # S = B**(a + ux) % n # K = SHA256(S) # S # S = (A * v ** u)**b % n # K = SHA256(S) # C->S # Send HMAC-SHA256(K, salt) # S->C # Send "OK" if HMAC-SHA256(K, salt) validates # this also means that the server shouldn't just make up a salt and # instead take the salt as given from the client N = NIST_PRIME def signup_client(email, password) g = 2 salt = rand(1..1024) x = sha256_hexdigest("#{salt}#{password}".bytes).to_i(16) v = modexp(g, x, N) snd(S, "#{email} #{salt} #{v}") info("signed up with #{email}, #{password}") end def signup_server _I, salt, v = rcv(S).split(' ') info("signup from #{_I}") [_I, salt.to_i, v.to_i] end def login_client(email, password) g = 2 a = rand(1..1024) _A = modexp(g, a, N) snd(S, "#{email} #{_A}") salt, _B, u = rcv(C).split(' ').map(&:to_i) x = sha256_hexdigest("#{salt}#{password}".bytes).to_i(16) _S = modexp(_B, a + u * x, N) _K = sha256_hexdigest(_S.to_s.bytes) snd(S, sha256_hmac(_K.bytes, salt.to_s.bytes)) assert(rcv(C) == 'OK') info('login successful!') end def login_server(credentials) g = 2 _I, _A = rcv(S).split(' ') _A = _A.to_i salt, v = credentials[_I] b = rand(1..1024) _B = modexp(g, b, N) u = rand(2**127...2**128) snd(C, "#{salt} #{_B} #{u}") _S = modexp(_A * modexp(v, u, N), b, N) _K = sha256_hexdigest(_S.to_s.bytes) hmac = rcv(S) ok = sha256_hmac(_K.bytes, salt.to_s.bytes) == hmac snd(C, ok ? 'OK' : 'FAIL') info('login successful!') end def bad_login_server(credentials) g = 2 _I, _A = rcv(S).split(' ') _A = _A.to_i salt, v = credentials[_I] b = rand(1..1024) _B = modexp(g, b, N) u = rand(2**127...2**128) snd(C, "#{salt} #{_B} #{u}") _S = modexp(_A * modexp(v, u, N), b, N) _K = sha256_hexdigest(_S.to_s.bytes) hmac = rcv(S) snd(C, 'OK') info('cracking password...') password = crack_hmac(hmac, [g, salt, v, u, b, _A]) info("cracked password: #{password}") end def crack_hmac(hmac, params) g, salt, v, u, b, _A = params password = WORDS.find do |word| x = sha256_hexdigest("#{salt}#{word}".bytes).to_i(16) modexp(g, x, N) == v end raise 'failed finding password' unless password _S = modexp(_A * modexp(v, u, N), b, N) _K = sha256_hexdigest(_S.to_s.bytes) assert(sha256_hmac(_K.bytes, salt.to_s.bytes) == hmac) password end if ROLE == 'C' email = "#{random_word}" password = random_word signup_client(email, password) login_client(email, password) login_client(email, password) else credentials = {} _I, salt, v = signup_server credentials[_I] = [salt, v] login_server(credentials) bad_login_server(credentials) end