require_relative 'util' require_relative '10' # --- Day 14: Disk Defragmentation --- # Suddenly, a scheduled job activates the system's disk # defragmenter. Were the situation different, you might sit and watch # it for a while, but today, you just don't have that kind of # time. It's soaking up valuable system resources that are needed # elsewhere, and so the only option is to help it finish its task as # soon as possible. # The disk in question consists of a 128x128 grid; each square of the # grid is either free or used. On this disk, the state of the grid is # tracked by the bits in a sequence of knot hashes. # A total of 128 knot hashes are calculated, each corresponding to a # single row in the grid; each hash contains 128 bits which correspond # to individual grid squares. Each bit of a hash indicates whether # that square is free (0) or used (1). # The hash inputs are a key string (your puzzle input), a dash, and a # number from 0 to 127 corresponding to the row. For example, if your # key string were `flqrgnkx`, then the first row would be given by the # bits of the knot hash of `flqrgnkx-0`, the second row from the bits # of the knot hash of `flqrgnkx-1`, and so on until the last row, # `flqrgnkx-127`. # The output of a knot hash is traditionally represented by 32 # hexadecimal digits; each of these digits correspond to 4 bits, for a # total of 4 * 32 = 128 bits. To convert to bits, turn each # hexadecimal digit to its equivalent binary value, high-bit first: 0 # becomes `0000`, 1 becomes `0001`, e becomes `1110`, f becomes # `1111`, and so on; a hash that begins with `a0c2017...` in # hexadecimal would begin with `10100000110000100000000101110000...` # in binary. # Continuing this process, the first 8 rows and columns for key # `flqrgnkx` appear as follows, using `#` to denote used squares, and # `.` to denote free ones: # ##.#.#..--> # .#.#.#.# # ....#.#. # #.#.##.# # .##.#... # ##..#..# # .#...#.. # ##.#.##.--> # | | # V V # In this example, 8108 squares are used across the entire 128x128 grid. # Given your actual key string, how many squares are used? # Your puzzle input is `jxqlasbh`. def knothash(string) hasher =, string.bytes + [17, 31, 73, 47, 23]) 64.times { hasher.round } hasher.hash end def hash_to_bits(string) explode(string).map { |c| c.to_i(16).to_s(2).rjust(4, '0') }.join end def grid(keystring) (0..127).map { |i| hash_to_bits(knothash("#{keystring}-#{i}")) }.join("\n") end def easy(keystring) grid(keystring).count('1') end input = 'jxqlasbh' assert(hash_to_bits('a0c2017') == '1010000011000010000000010111') assert(easy('flqrgnkx') == 8108) puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # Now, all the defragmenter needs to know is the number of regions. A # region is a group of used squares that are all adjacent, not # including diagonals. Every used square is in exactly one region: # lone used squares form their own isolated regions, while several # adjacent squares all count as a single region. # In the example above, the following nine regions are visible, each # marked with a distinct digit: # 11.2.3..--> # . # ....5.6. # # .88.5... # 88..5..8 # .8...8.. # 88.8.88.--> # | | # V V # Of particular interest is the region marked 8; while it does not # appear contiguous in this small view, all of the squares marked 8 # are connected when considering the whole 128x128 grid. In total, in # this example, 1242 regions are present. # How many regions are present given your key string? require 'set' class Grid attr_accessor :grid def initialize(input) @grid = do |line| explode(line).map(&:to_i) end end def to_s"\n") end def each @grid.each_with_index do |line, y| line.each_with_index do |char, x| yield(x, y, char) end end end def used result = each { |x, y, c| result << [x, y] if c == 1 } result end def at(x, y) return nil if x < 0 || y < 0 row = @grid[y] return nil unless row [x, y, row[x]] end def neighbors(xy) result = [] offsets = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]] offsets.each do |xo, yo| x, y, char = at(xy[0] + xo, xy[1] + yo) result << [x, y] if char == 1 end result end def component(start, seen = seen << start neighbors(start).each do |coord| component(coord, seen) unless seen.include?(coord) end seen end def components used = self.used components = [] until used.empty? component = component(used.first) components << component used = used.difference(component) end components end end def hard(input) grid = grid.components.length end assert(hard('flqrgnkx') == 1242) puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"