require_relative 'util' # --- Day 9: Stream Processing --- # A large stream blocks your path. According to the locals, it's not # safe to cross the stream at the moment because it's full of # garbage. You look down at the stream; rather than water, you # discover that it's a stream of characters. # You sit for a while and record part of the stream (your puzzle # input). The characters represent groups - sequences that begin with # `{` and end with `}`. Within a group, there are zero or more other # things, separated by commas: either another group or garbage. Since # groups can contain other groups, a `}` only closes the # most-recently-opened unclosed group - that is, they are # nestable. Your puzzle input represents a single, large group which # itself contains many smaller ones. # Sometimes, instead of a group, you will find garbage. Garbage begins # with `<` and ends with `>`. Between those angle brackets, almost any # character can appear, including `{` and `}`. Within garbage, `<` has # no special meaning. # In a futile attempt to clean up the garbage, some program has # canceled some of the characters within it using `!`: inside garbage, # any character that comes after `!` should be ignored, including `<`, # `>`, and even another `!`. # You don't see any characters that deviate from these rules. Outside # garbage, you only find well-formed groups, and garbage always # terminates according to the rules above. # Here are some self-contained pieces of garbage: # - `<>`, empty garbage. # - ``, garbage containing random characters. # - `<<<<>`, because the extra < are ignored. # - `<{!>}>`, because the first > is canceled. # - ``, because the second ! is canceled, allowing the > to # terminate the garbage. # - `>`, because the second ! and the first > are canceled. # - `<{o"i!a,<{i`, which ends at the first >. # Here are some examples of whole streams and the number of groups they contain: # - `{}`, 1 group. # - `{{{}}}`, 3 groups. # - `{{},{}}`, also 3 groups. # - `{{{},{},{{}}}}`, 6 groups. # - `{<{},{},{{}}>}`, 1 group (which itself contains garbage). # - `{,,,}`, 1 group. # - `{{},{},{},{}}`, 5 groups. # - `{{},{},{},{}}`, 2 groups (since all but the last > # are canceled). # Your goal is to find the total score for all groups in your # input. Each group is assigned a score which is one more than the # score of the group that immediately contains it. (The outermost # group gets a score of 1.) # - `{}`, score of 1. # - `{{{}}}`, score of 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. # - `{{},{}}`, score of 1 + 2 + 2 = 5. # - `{{{},{},{{}}}}`, score of 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 16. # - `{,,,}`, score of 1. # - `{{},{},{},{}}`, score of 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9. # - `{{},{},{},{}}`, score of 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9. # - `{{},{},{},{}}`, score of 1 + 2 = 3. # What is the total score for all groups in your input? class StreamTokenizer def initialize(input) @input = input @index = 0 @tokens = [] end def peek @input[@index] end def next! char = @input[@index] @index += 1 if char char end def tokenize loop do char = peek break unless char case char when '{' then @tokens << next! when '}' then @tokens << next! when '<' then tokenize_garbage when '>' then raise('unexpected garbage end') when ',' then next! end end @tokens end def tokenize_garbage token = '' loop do char = peek token += next! case char when '!' then token += next! when '>' then break end end @tokens << token end end class StreamParser def initialize(input) tokenizer = @tokens = tokenizer.tokenize @index = 0 end def peek @tokens[@index] end def next! token = @tokens[@index] @index += 1 if token token end def parse token = peek assert(token) case token when '{' then parse_group when '}' then raise('unexpected group end') when /^') == ['<>']) assert(parse('<>') == '') assert(tokenize('') == ['']) assert(parse('') == 'random characters') assert(tokenize('<<<<>') == ['<<<<>']) assert(parse('<<<<>') == '<<<') assert(tokenize('<{!>}>') == ['<{!>}>']) assert(parse('<{!>}>') == '{}') assert(tokenize('') == ['']) assert(parse('') == '') assert(tokenize('>') == ['>']) assert(parse('>') == '') assert(tokenize('<{o"i!a,<{i') == ['<{o"i!a,<{i']) assert(parse('<{o"i!a,<{i') == '{o"i,<{i}') == ['{', '<{},{},{{}}>', '}']) assert(parse('{<{},{},{{}}>}') == ['{},{},{{}}']) assert(tokenize('{,,,}') == ['{', '', '', '', '', '}']) assert(parse('{,,,}') == ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a']) assert(tokenize('{{},{},{},{}}') == ['{', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '}']) assert(parse('{{},{},{},{}}') == [['a'], ['a'], ['a'], ['a']]) assert(tokenize('{{},{},{},{}}') == ['{', '{', '},{},{},{', '}', '}']) assert(parse('{{},{},{},{}}') == [['},{<},{<},{},{},{},{}}') == ['{', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '}']) assert(parse('{{},{},{},{}}') == [['ab'], ['ab'], ['ab'], ['ab']]) assert(tokenize('{{},{},{},{}}') == ['{', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '{', '', '}', '}']) assert(parse('{{},{},{},{}}') == [[''], [''], [''], ['']]) assert(tokenize('{{},{},{},{}}') == ['{', '{', '},{},{},{', '}', '}']) assert(parse('{{},{},{},{}}') == [['a},{,,,}') == 1) assert(easy('{{},{},{},{}}') == 9) assert(easy('{{},{},{},{}}') == 9) assert(easy('{{},{},{},{}}') == 3) puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # Now, you're ready to remove the garbage. # To prove you've removed it, you need to count all of the characters # within the garbage. The leading and trailing `<` and `>` don't count, # nor do any canceled characters or the `!` doing the canceling. # - `<>`, 0 characters. # - ``, 17 characters. # - `<<<<>`, 3 characters. # - `<{!>}>`, 2 characters. # - ``, 0 characters. # - `>`, 0 characters. # - `<{o"i!a,<{i`, 10 characters. # How many non-canceled characters are within the garbage in your # puzzle input? def garbage_walk(ast) case ast when String ast.length when Array { |item| garbage_walk(item) }.sum end end def hard(input) garbage_walk(parse(input)) end assert(hard('<>') == 0) assert(hard('') == 17) assert(hard('<<<<>') == 3) assert(hard('<{!>}>') == 2) assert(hard('') == 0) assert(hard('>') == 0) assert(hard('<{o"i!a,<{i') == 10) assert(hard('{}') == 0) assert(hard('{<123>}') == 3) assert(hard('{<123>,<456>}') == 6) assert(hard('{<123>,<456>,{<789>}}') == 9) puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"