require_relative 'util' # --- Day 23: Safe Cracking --- # This is one of the top floors of the nicest tower in EBHQ. The # Easter Bunny's private office is here, complete with a safe hidden # behind a painting, and who wouldn't hide a star in a safe behind a # painting? # The safe has a digital screen and keypad for code entry. A sticky # note attached to the safe has a password hint on it: "eggs". The # painting is of a large rabbit coloring some eggs. You see 7. # When you go to type the code, though, nothing appears on the # display; instead, the keypad comes apart in your hands, apparently # having been smashed. Behind it is some kind of socket - one that # matches a connector in your prototype computer! You pull apart the # smashed keypad and extract the logic circuit, plug it into your # computer, and plug your computer into the safe. # Now, you just need to figure out what output the keypad would have # sent to the safe. You extract the assembunny code from the logic # chip (your puzzle input). # The code looks like it uses almost the same architecture and # instruction set that the monorail computer used! You should be able # to use the same assembunny interpreter for this as you did there, # but with one new instruction: # tgl x toggles the instruction x away (pointing at instructions like # jnz does: positive means forward; negative means backward): # - For one-argument instructions, inc becomes dec, and all other # one-argument instructions become inc. # - For two-argument instructions, jnz becomes cpy, and all other # two-instructions become jnz. # - The arguments of a toggled instruction are not affected. # - If an attempt is made to toggle an instruction outside the # program, nothing happens. # - If toggling produces an invalid instruction (like cpy 1 2) and an # attempt is later made to execute that instruction, skip it # instead. # - If tgl toggles itself (for example, if a is 0, tgl a would target # itself and become inc a), the resulting instruction is not # executed until the next time it is reached. # For example, given this program: # cpy 2 a # tgl a # tgl a # tgl a # cpy 1 a # dec a # dec a # - cpy 2 a initializes register a to 2. # - The first tgl a toggles an instruction a (2) away from it, which # changes the third tgl a into inc a. # - The second tgl a also modifies an instruction 2 away from it, # which changes the cpy 1 a into jnz 1 a. # - The fourth line, which is now inc a, increments a to 3. # - Finally, the fifth line, which is now jnz 1 a, jumps a (3) # instructions ahead, skipping the dec a instructions. # In this example, the final value in register a is 3. # The rest of the electronics seem to place the keypad entry (the # number of eggs, 7) in register a, run the code, and then send the # value left in register a to the safe. # What value should be sent to the safe? input ='23.txt') { |f| } test_input = "cpy 2 a\ntgl a\ntgl a\ntgl a\ncpy 1 a\ndec a\ndec a".split("\n") class Computer attr_accessor :registers def initialize(input) @registers = { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 } @program = { |line| parse(line) } @pc = 0 end def parse_arg(arg) if arg[/^[-+]?\d+$/] arg.to_i else arg.to_sym end end def parse(line) op, *ops = line.split [op.to_sym] + { |o| parse_arg(o) } end def lookup(reg_or_arg) if reg_or_arg.is_a?(Symbol) @registers[reg_or_arg] else reg_or_arg end end def fetch assert(@pc < @program.length) result = @program[@pc] @pc += 1 result end def cpy(src, dest) @registers[dest] = lookup(src) end def inc(reg) @registers[reg] += 1 end def dec(reg) @registers[reg] -= 1 end def jnz(arg1, arg2) # HACK: account for fetch always incrementing @pc @pc += lookup(arg2) - 1 if lookup(arg1) != 0 end def tgl(arg) # HACK: account for fetch always incrementing @pc target = @pc - 1 + lookup(arg) return unless target >= 0 && target < @program.length op = @program[target][0] @program[target][0] = case op when :inc then :dec when :dec, :tgl then :inc when :jnz then :cpy else :jnz end end def step op, *args = fetch send(op, *args) end def done? @pc < 0 || !@program[@pc] end def run step until done? end end def easy(input) computer = computer.registers[:a] = 7 computer.registers[:a] end assert(easy(test_input) == 3) puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # The safe doesn't open, but it does make several angry noises to # express its frustration. # You're quite sure your logic is working correctly, so the only other # thing is... you check the painting again. As it turns out, colored # eggs are still eggs. Now you count 12. # As you run the program with this new input, the prototype computer # begins to overheat. You wonder what's taking so long, and whether # the lack of any instruction more powerful than "add one" has # anything to do with it. Don't bunnies usually multiply? # Anyway, what value should actually be sent to the safe? class OptimizingComputer < Computer attr_accessor :profile def initialize(input) super(input) @profile = { |h, k| h[k] = 0 } end ## program snapshot # 0000 [:cpy, :a, :b] # b = a # 0001 [:dec, :b] # b -= 1 # # loop # 0002 [:cpy, :a, :d] # d = a # 0003 [:cpy, 0, :a] # a = 0 # # until do # 0004 [:cpy, :b, :c] # c = b # # until do # 0005 [:inc, :a] # a += 1 # 0006 [:dec, :c] # c -= 1 # 0007 [:jnz, :c, -2] # end # 0008 [:dec, :d] # d -= 1 # 0009 [:jnz, :d, -5] # end # 0010 [:dec, :b] # b -= 1 # 0011 [:cpy, :b, :c] # c = b # 0012 [:cpy, :c, :d] # d = c # # until do # 0013 [:dec, :d] # d -= 1 # 0014 [:inc, :c] # c += 1 # 0015 [:jnz, :d, -2] # end # 0016 [:tgl, :c] # ??? # 0017 [:cpy, -16, :c] # c = -16 # 0018 [:jnz, 1, :c] # end # 0019 [:cpy, 89, :c] # c = 89 # # until do # 0020 [:jnz, 90, :d] # jro d # # until do # 0021 [:inc, :a] # a += 1 # 0022 [:inc, :d] # d += 1 # 0023 [:jnz, :d, -2] # end # 0024 [:inc, :c] # c += 1 # 0025 [:jnz, :c, -5] # end ## the hotspot # 0005 [:inc, :a] 29.235587627557 # 0006 [:dec, :c] 29.235587627557 # 0007 [:jnz, :c, -2] 29.235587627557 # 0008 [:dec, :d] 4.095730288844516 # 0009 [:jnz, :d, -5] 4.095730288844516 ## its code # 0002 [:cpy, :a, :d] # d = a # 0003 [:cpy, 0, :a] # a = 0 # # until do # 0004 [:cpy, :b, :c] # c = b # # until do # 0005 [:inc, :a] # a += 1 # 0006 [:dec, :c] # c -= 1 # 0007 [:jnz, :c, -2] # end # 0008 [:dec, :d] # d -= 1 # 0009 [:jnz, :d, -5] # end ## what it does # outer loop runs d times (set to a) # inner loop runs c times (set to b) # a is used as accumulator (set to 0) # inner loop increments a for c times (a += c) # outer loop increments a by c again, for d times # therefore a += c * d ## the optimization # 0005 [:incmul, :a, :c, :d] a += c * d # 0006 [:cpy, 0, :c] # c = 0 # 0007 [:cpy, 0, :d] # d = 0 # 0008 [:nop] # 0009 [:nop] def at_hotspot?(target) (target + 5 < @program.length && # 5 lines of context @program[target][0] == :inc && @program[target + 1][0] == :dec && @program[target + 2][0] == :jnz && @program[target + 2][2] == -2 && @program[target + 3][0] == :dec && @program[target + 4][0] == :jnz && @program[target + 4][2] == -5) end def patch_hotspot(target) acc = @program[target][1] arg1 = @program[target + 1][1] arg2 = @program[target + 3][1] @program[target] = [:incmul, acc, arg1, arg2] @program[target + 1] = [:cpy, 0, arg1] @program[target + 2] = [:cpy, 0, arg2] @program[target + 3] = [:nop] @program[target + 4] = [:nop] end def optimize @program.length.times do |i| patch_hotspot(i) if at_hotspot?(i) end end def nop; end def incmul(reg, arg1, arg2) @registers[reg] += lookup(arg1) * lookup(arg2) end def print_profile tally = @profile.values.reduce(&:+) top = @profile.to_a.sort { |a, b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.last(5) top.reverse.each do |k, v| line_no = k.to_s.rjust(4, '0') line = @program[k] puts "#{line_no}\t#{line}\t#{100 * v.to_f / tally}" end end def step @profile[@pc] += 1 op, *args = fetch send(op, *args) end def tgl(arg) super(arg) # p @program optimize # p @program # print_profile end end def hard(input) computer = computer.registers[:a] = 12 computer.registers[:a] end puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"