require_relative 'util' # --- Day 9: Explosives in Cyberspace --- # Wandering around a secure area, you come across a datalink port to a # new part of the network. After briefly scanning it for interesting # files, you find one file in particular that catches your # attention. It's compressed with an experimental format, but # fortunately, the documentation for the format is nearby. # The format compresses a sequence of characters. Whitespace is # ignored. To indicate that some sequence should be repeated, a marker # is added to the file, like `(10x2)`. To decompress this marker, take # the subsequent 10 characters and repeat them 2 times. Then, continue # reading the file after the repeated data. The marker itself is not # included in the decompressed output. # If parentheses or other characters appear within the data referenced # by a marker, that's okay - treat it like normal data, not a marker, # and then resume looking for markers after the decompressed section. # For example: # - `ADVENT` contains no markers and decompresses to itself with no # changes, resulting in a decompressed length of 6. # - `A(1x5)BC` repeats only the B a total of 5 times, becoming # `ABBBBBC` for a decompressed length of 7. # - `(3x3)XYZ` becomes `XYZXYZXYZ` for a decompressed length of 9. # - `A(2x2)BCD(2x2)EFG` doubles the `BC` and `EF`, becoming # `ABCBCDEFEFG` for a decompressed length of 11. # - `(6x1)(1x3)A` simply becomes `(1x3)A` - the `(1x3)` looks like a # marker, but because it's within a data section of another marker, # it is not treated any differently from the A that comes after # it. It has a decompressed length of 6. # - `X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY` becomes `X(3x3)ABC(3x3)ABCY` (for a decompressed # length of 18), because the decompressed data from the (`8x2`) # marker (the `(3x3)ABC`) is skipped and not processed further. # What is the decompressed length of the file (your puzzle input)? # Don't count whitespace. input ='09.txt') { |f| } def easy(input) i = 0 len = 0 while i < input.length case input[i] when /\s/ then i += 1 when '(' marker = input[i..(input.index(')', i))] l, r = marker.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i) len += l * r i += marker.length + l else len += 1 i += 1 end end len end assert(easy('ADVENT') == 6) assert(easy('A(1x5)BC') == 7) assert(easy('(3x3)XYZ') == 9) assert(easy('A(2x2)BCD(2x2)EFG') == 11) assert(easy('(6x1)(1x3)A') == 6) assert(easy('X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY') == 18) puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # Apparently, the file actually uses version two of the format. # In version two, the only difference is that markers within # decompressed data are decompressed. This, the documentation # explains, provides much more substantial compression capabilities, # allowing many-gigabyte files to be stored in only a few kilobytes. # For example: # - `(3x3)XYZ` still becomes `XYZXYZXYZ`, as the decompressed section # contains no markers. # - `X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY` becomes `XABCABCABCABCABCABCY`, because the # decompressed data from the (`8x2`) marker is then further # decompressed, thus triggering the (`3x3`) marker twice for a total # of six `ABC` sequences. # - `(27x12)(20x12)(13x14)(7x10)(1x12)A` decompresses into a string of # `A` repeated 241920 times. # - `(25x3)(3x3)ABC(2x3)XY(5x2)PQRSTX(18x9)(3x2)TWO(5x7)SEVEN` becomes # 445 characters long. # Unfortunately, the computer you brought probably doesn't have enough # memory to actually decompress the file; you'll have to come up with # another way to get its decompressed length. # What is the decompressed length of the file using this improved format? def scan(input) parts = [] until input.empty? case input[0] when /\s/ then input = input[input.index(/\S/)..-1] when '(' marker = input[0..(input.index(')'))] l, r = marker.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i) part = input.slice(0, marker.length + l) subpart = input.slice(marker.length, l) parts << [r, scan(subpart)] input = input[part.length..-1] else part = input[0..(input.index(/[^\s(]/))] parts << 1 input = input[part.length..-1] end end parts end def combine(numbers, op) next_op = (op == :+ ? :* : :+) identity = (op == :+ ? 0 : 1) numbers.reduce(identity) do |acc, x| case x when Integer then acc.send(op, x) when Array then acc.send(op, combine(x, next_op)) end end end def hard(input) combine(scan(input), :+) end assert(hard('ADVENT') == 6) assert(hard('X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY') == 20) assert(hard('(27x12)(20x12)(13x14)(7x10)(1x12)A') == 241_920) assert(hard('(25x3)(3x3)ABC(2x3)XY(5x2)PQRSTX(18x9)(3x2)TWO(5x7)SEVEN') == 445) puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"