require_relative 'util' # --- Day 3: Squares With Three Sides --- # Now that you can think clearly, you move deeper into the labyrinth # of hallways and office furniture that makes up this part of Easter # Bunny HQ. This must be a graphic design department; the walls are # covered in specifications for triangles. # Or are they? # The design document gives the side lengths of each triangle it # describes, but... 5 10 25? Some of these aren't triangles. You can't # help but mark the impossible ones. # In a valid triangle, the sum of any two sides must be larger than # the remaining side. For example, the "triangle" given above is # impossible, because 5 + 10 is not larger than 25. # In your puzzle input, how many of the listed triangles are possible? input ='03.txt') do |f| { |line| line.scan(/\d+/) .map(&:to_i) } end def valid_triangle?(a, b, c) ((a + b) > c) && ((a + c) > b) && ((b + c) > a) end assert(!valid_triangle?(5, 10, 25)) def easy(input) input.count { |a, b, c| valid_triangle?(a, b, c) } end puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # Now that you've helpfully marked up their design documents, it # occurs to you that triangles are specified in groups of three # vertically. Each set of three numbers in a column specifies a # triangle. Rows are unrelated. # For example, given the following specification, numbers with the # same hundreds digit would be part of the same triangle: # 101 301 501 # 102 302 502 # 103 303 503 # 201 401 601 # 202 402 602 # 203 403 603 # In your puzzle input, and instead reading by columns, how many of # the listed triangles are possible? def hard(input) count = 0 input.transpose.each do |row| count += row.each_slice(3).count { |a, b, c| valid_triangle?(a, b, c) } end count end puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"