require_relative 'util' # --- Day 6: Probably a Fire Hazard --- # Because your neighbors keep defeating you in the holiday house # decorating contest year after year, you've decided to deploy one # million lights in a 1000x1000 grid. # Furthermore, because you've been especially nice this year, Santa # has mailed you instructions on how to display the ideal lighting # configuration. # Lights in your grid are numbered from 0 to 999 in each direction; # the lights at each corner are at `0,0`, `0,999`, `999,999`, and # `999,0`. The instructions include whether to turn on, turn off, or # toggle various inclusive ranges given as coordinate pairs. Each # coordinate pair represents opposite corners of a rectangle, # inclusive; a coordinate pair like `0,0 through 2,2` therefore refers # to 9 lights in a `3x3` square. The lights all start turned off. # To defeat your neighbors this year, all you have to do is set up # your lights by doing the instructions Santa sent you in order. # For example: # - `turn on 0,0 through 999,999` would turn on (or leave on) every # light. # - `toggle 0,0 through 999,0` would toggle the first line of 1000 # lights, turning off the ones that were on, and turning on the ones # that were off. # - `turn off 499,499 through 500,500` would turn off (or leave off) # the middle four lights. # After following the instructions, how many lights are lit? input ='06.txt') { |f| } class Lights def initialize @grid = {, false) } end def change(x1, y1, x2, y2) x = x1 while x <= x2 y = y1 while y <= y2 @grid[x][y] = yield(@grid[x][y]) y += 1 end x += 1 end end def count lights = 0 @grid.each do |line| line.each do |light| lights += 1 if light end end lights end end def easy(lines) lights = lines.each do |line| parts = line.split x1, y1 = parts[-3].split(',').map(&:to_i) x2, y2 = parts[-1].split(',').map(&:to_i) case line when /^turn on/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2) { true } when /^turn off/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2) { false } when /^toggle/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2, &:!) end end lights.count end assert(easy(['turn on 0,0 through 999,999']) == 1_000_000) assert(easy(['turn on 0,0 through 999,999', 'toggle 0,0 through 999,0']) == 999_000) assert(easy(['turn on 0,0 through 999,999', 'toggle 0,0 through 999,0', 'turn off 499,499 through 500,500']) == 998_996) puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # You just finish implementing your winning light pattern when you # realize you mistranslated Santa's message from Ancient Nordic # Elvish. # The light grid you bought actually has individual brightness # controls; each light can have a brightness of zero or more. The # lights all start at zero. # The phrase turn on actually means that you should increase the # brightness of those lights by 1. # The phrase turn off actually means that you should decrease the # brightness of those lights by 1, to a minimum of zero. # The phrase toggle actually means that you should increase the # brightness of those lights by 2. # What is the total brightness of all lights combined after following # Santa's instructions? # For example: # - `turn on 0,0 through 0,0` would increase the total brightness by 1. # - `toggle 0,0 through 999,999` would increase the total brightness by # 2000000. class BrightLights def initialize @grid = {, 0) } end def change(x1, y1, x2, y2) x = x1 while x <= x2 y = y1 while y <= y2 brightness = @grid[x][y] @grid[x][y] = [0, brightness + yield(brightness)].max y += 1 end x += 1 end end def count brightness = 0 @grid.each do |line| line.each do |light| brightness += light end end brightness end end def hard(lines) lights = lines.each do |line| parts = line.split x1, y1 = parts[-3].split(',').map(&:to_i) x2, y2 = parts[-1].split(',').map(&:to_i) case line when /^turn on/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2) { 1 } when /^turn off/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2) { -1 } when /^toggle/ then lights.change(x1, y1, x2, y2) { 2 } end end lights.count end assert(hard(['turn on 0,0 through 0,0']) == 1) assert(hard(['turn on 0,0 through 0,0', 'toggle 0,0 through 999,999']) == 2_000_001) puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"