![Screenshot] ## About A simple EPUB viewer based on the [webkit egg]. ## Installation This requires the `unzip` command to be on PATH. Other than that, the webkitgtk library must be available for the webkit egg to install. Finally, execute `chicken-install` in the Git checkout. ## Features - Basic navigation - Custom stylesheet - Saving and restoring the last read position ## Usage After opening a document, you can scroll with the usual keys (`SPC`, `S-SPC`, ``, ``, ``, ``, etc.), switch to the previous/next chapter with `p` and `n` and quit the viewer with either `q` or `ESC`. `SPC` has been overloaded to switch to the next chapter when at the bottom of the current one. To use a custom stylesheet, copy a `style.css` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/teapub/` or `~/.config/teapub/`. ## FAQ **Q**: When I open an epub file, I see a window with the cover thumbnail open. Shortly after the viewer quits for no apparent reason. What's going on here? **A**: This is a focus bug in the webkit egg. For yet unknown reasons the webkit egg does run a watchdog that (among other things) periodically checks how many top-level windows are visible and kills the application after failing to find any. Incidentally, if you open a window with it and immediately steal its focus, it cannot see that top-level window and therefore quits the viewer. I wrote a small patch that removes this hack in favor of linking application exit to window deletion which hasn't made it upstream yet. If you're interested in it, I could publish my forked version of the egg. **Q**: When I exit the viewer, I see messages about a segfault in the finalizer. Is this normal? **A**: This appears to be another bug in the webkit egg. Despite the segfault messages, the finalizers are run successfully, so ignore these for now until the bug has been fixed. **Q**: How do I debug the viewer? **A**: For the sake of convenience, the debugging tools have been enabled and are available in the context menu. Open the inspector for tweaking the CSS and executing JavaScript. [Screenshot]: img/scrot.png [webkit egg]: http://www.chust.org/fossils/webkit/home