* Requirements I expect you to use Emacs 24.3 and to have =dash.el= installed already * Examples ** vivid-rodent.el - Open =vivid-rodent.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Hit =M-x vivid-rodent=, move the mouse around in the buffer that popped up, click to save the color code ** flipbook.el - Open =flipbook.el=, adjust =flipbook-format-string= to an existing path to the frames you want to play back (first line) - Hit =M-x eval-buffer=, then =M-x flipbook= - Hit =p= to play or pause, adjust playback with =<= and =>= - Hit =h= for more bindings ** svg-2048.el - Open =svg-2048.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Hit =M-x svg-2048= and play for a bit ** svg-animation-demo.el - Open =pdata.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Open =svg-animation-demo.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Hit =M-x svg-animation-demo=, hit =p= to move back and forth ** bleeps - Make sure you have everything set up for Clojure development in Emacs (CIDER and its dependencies need to be installed in Emacs, Leiningen needs to be installed on your system) and have the =supercollider= package installed via your system's package manager - Run ~lein deps~ in =code/bleeps= to fetch all dependencies of this Clojure project - Set up JACK (~pasuspender -- jackd -r -d alsa~ works on my Pulseaudio system) - Open =bleeps/src/bleeps/core.clj=, hit =C-c M-j= to attach a REPL - Evaluate all top-level forms in =bleeps/src/bleeps/core.clj= with =C-M-x=, starting from the first and going until the last one - Switch to the project namespace in the REPL with either =C-c M-n= or ~(ns bleeps.core)~ - Try playing some sounds in the REPL with something like ~(coin-block)~ ** dial.el - Open =dial.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - If you rather want to dial DTMF tones, evaluate the first =dial-mode-alist= form, otherwise the second one - Hit =M-x dial=, then hit the keys mapped by the =dial-mode-alist= form you've evaluated ** helm-fkeys.el - Open =helm-fkeys.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Evaluate the code that was commented out - Hit =F1= and demonstrate the shiny menu popping up ** eyebrowse.el - Open =eyebrowse.el=, hit =M-x eval-buffer= - Enable with =M-x eyebrowse-mode= - Enable shorthand with =M-: (eyebrowse-setup-opinionated-keys)= - Switch window configurations with =M-1..M-9=, change them, switch back