## About At SecCamp 2019 I've attended a talk about how one builds their own [Rubberducky] replacement using a cheap [Digistump Digispark] microcontroller. The device is programmed using [Duckyscript], a BASIC-style language describing human keyboard input. Using that device one can now execute commands on other people's computers at high speed, a useful capability during read teaming security assessments. During the workshop I've discovered that the toolchain to arm both official Rubberducky hardware and cheap microcontrollers leaves a lot to be desired, so I started hacking on a more powerful replacement faithfully reimplementing the original behavior. This talk explains the basics behind HID devices enabling this kind of hardware and the challenges of writing [plucky], a Duckyscript compiler. [Rubberducky]: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky [Digistump Digispark]: http://digistump.com/category/1 [Duckyscript]: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki/Duckyscript [plucky]: https://depp.brause.cc/plucky/