[Screencast] ## About A port of the titular HTML5 game utilizing Emacs' SVG capabilities. Requires a graphical Emacs instance to run. ## Installation Install via [quelpa] with `M-: (quelpa '(svg-2048 :fetcher github :repo "wasamasa/svg-2048"))`. ## Usage Run `M-x svg-2048` for a new game. Asides from the original movement keys there's `g` for forced redrawing (useful when the window is resized) and `n` to start a new game. Hit `q` to bury the buffer. | Key bind | Function | |---------------+------------------| | w, k, | Move tiles up | | a, h, | Move tiles left | | s, j, | Move tiles down | | d, l, | Move tiles right | | g | Redraw board | | n | New game | | q | Bury buffer | ## Alternatives [There's][] [four][] [of][] [them]. Probably even more. They're all text though. [Screencast]: img/screencast.gif [quelpa]: https://github.com/quelpa/quelpa [There's]: https://github.com/sprang/emacs-2048 [four]: https://github.com/samfiechter/2048-mode [of]: http://pastebin.com/ZhdB020g [them]: https://bitbucket.org/zck/2048.el