- The NEWT0 interpreter has to be built with `-m32` as its memory management assumes a hardcoded width for pointers... - The interpreter's error handling is terrible, most of the time it just quits cleanly without printing any hint or aborting properly - I couldn't get FFI to work (it fails silently and trying to install its libraries fails because there's no mac-specific built libraries...), so `Gets` it is - I quite like Apple's NewtonScript manual - "Rather than invent an entirely new syntax, NewtonScript was designed with Pascal in mind. Wherever possible, its syntax is modeled closely on Pascal’s." - Inspired by Lisp and Smalltalk, as seen by quote used for object literals, the `true`/`nil` dichitomy, messages sent to frames (which look like JS objects), `$` as char syntax, symbols, many things evaluating to something useful (including the last thing in a function), etc. - `&` concatenates strings, `&&` concatenates them with a space interspersed... - NEWT0 can only handle a variable with a function value in `Apply`, the name of a globally defined function won't work - NEWT0 comes with the bare minimum, for instance there's no `ArrayInsert` function so I had to make my own (create an array with one more slot, copy old values over, put argument into last slot) - The language doesn't provide a clean way to enter a space character literal (elisp for instance has `?\s` to avoid `? ` which might be eaten by automatic formatting), so these look a bit weird, especially without the doubled space - The language is unfortunately case-insensitive, despite this there are conventions on casing - Most curiously, NEWT0 does have file and regex operations in a separate library that's not part of core (which is somewhat understandable as these aren't part of vanilla NewtonScript either) named "protoFILE" and "protoREGEX"