# Crypto Challenge Set 8 This is **the second of two sets we generated after the original 6**. This set focuses on abstract algebra, including DH, GCM, and (most importantly) elliptic curve cryptography. Fair warning - it's really tough! There's a ton of content here, and it's more demanding than anything we've released so far. By the time you're done, you will have written an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of one percent of SageMath. 57. [Diffie-Hellman Revisited: Small Subgroup Confinement](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/57.md) 58. [Pollard's Method for Catching Kangaroos](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/58.md) 59. [Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and Invalid-Curve Attacks](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/59.md) 60. [Single-Coordinate Ladders and Insecure Twists](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/60.md) 61. [Duplicate-Signature Key Selection in ECDSA (and RSA)](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/61.md) 62. [Key-Recovery Attacks on ECDSA with Biased Nonces](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/62.md) 63. [Key-Recovery Attacks on GCM with Repeated Nonces](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/63.md) 64. [Key-Recovery Attacks on GCM with a Truncated MAC](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/64.md) 65. [Truncated-MAC GCM Revisited: Improving the Key-Recovery Attack via Ciphertext Length Extension](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/65.md) 66. [Exploiting Implementation Errors in Diffie-Hellman](https://depp.brause.cc/cryptopals/08/66.md)