# Key-Recovery Attacks on GCM with Repeated Nonces GCM is the most widely deployed block cipher mode for authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). It's basically just CTR mode with a weird MAC function wrapped around it. The MAC function works by evaluating a polynomial over GF(2^128). Remember how much trouble a repeated nonce causes for CTR mode encryption? The same thing is true here: an attacker can XOR ciphertexts together and recover plaintext using statistical methods. But there's an even more devastating consequence for GCM: it leaks the authentication key immediately! Here's the high-level view: 1. The GCM MAC function (GMAC) works by building up a polynomial whose coefficients are the blocks of associated data (AD), the blocks of ciphertext (C), a block encoding the length of AD and C, and a block used to "mask" the output. Sort of like this: AD*y^3 + C*y^2 + L*y + S To calculate the MAC, we plug in the authentication key for y and evaluate. 2. AD, C, and their respective lengths are known. For a given message, the attacker knows everything about the MAC polynomial except the masking block 3. The masking block is generated using only the key and the nonce. If the nonce is repeated, the mask is the same. If we can collect two messages encrypted under the same nonce, they'll have used the same mask. 4. In this field, addition is XOR. We can XOR our two messages together to "wash out" the mask and recover a known polynomial with the authentication key as a root. We can factor the polynomial to recover the authentication key immediately. The last step probably feels a little magical, but you don't actually need to understand it to implement the attack: you can literally just plug the right values into a computer algebra system like SageMath and hit "factor". But that's not satisfying. You didn't come this far to beat the game on Easy Mode, did you? I didn't think so. Now, let's dig into that MAC function. Like I said, a polynomial over GF(2^128). So far, all the fields we've worked with have been of prime size p, i.e. GF(p). It turns out we can construct GF(q) for any q = p^k for any positive integer k. GF(p) = GF(p^1) is just one form that's common in cryptography. Another is GF(2^k), and in this case we have GF(2^128). For GF(2^k), we'll represent its elements as polynomials with coefficients in GF(2). That just means each coefficient will be 0 or 1. Before we start talking about a particular field (i.e. a particular choice of k), let's just talk about these polynomials. Here are some of them: 0 1 x x + 1 x^2 x^2 + 1 x^2 + x x^2 + x + 1 x^3 x^3 + 1 x^3 + x x^3 + x + 1 x^3 + x^2 x^3 + x^2 + 1 x^3 + x^2 + x x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 ... And so forth. If you squint a little they look like the binary expansions of the integers counting up from zero. This is convenient because it gives us an obvious choice of representation in unsigned integers. Now we need some primitive functions for operating on these polynomials. Let's tool up: 1. Addition and subtraction between GF(2) polynomials are really simple: they're both just the XOR function. 2. Multiplication and division are a little trickier, but they both just approximate the algorithms you learned in grade school. Here they are: function mul(a, b): p := 0 while a > 0: if a & 1: p := p ^ b a := a >> 1 b := b << 1 return p function divmod(a, b): q, r := 0, a while deg(r) >= deg(b): d := deg(r) - deg(b) q := q ^ (1 << d) r := r ^ (b << d) return q, r deg(a) is a function returning the degree of a polynomial. For the polynomial x^4 + x + 1, it should return 4. For 1, it should return 0. For 0, it should return some negative value. Now that we have a small nucleus of functions to work on polynomials in GF(2), let's see how we can use them to represent elements in GF(2^k). To be concrete, let's say k = 4. Our set of elements is the same one enumerated above: 0 1 x x + 1 x^2 x^2 + 1 x^2 + x x^2 + x + 1 x^3 x^3 + 1 x^3 + x x^3 + x + 1 x^3 + x^2 x^3 + x^2 + 1 x^3 + x^2 + x x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 Addition and subtraction are unchanged. We still just XOR elements together. Multiplication is different. As with fields of size p, we need to perform modular reductions after each multiplication to keep our elements in range. Our modulus will be x^4 + x + 1. If that seems a little arbitrary, it is - we could use any fourth-degree monic polynomial that's irreducible over GF(2). An irreducible polynomial is sort of analogous to a prime number in this setting. Here's a naive modmul: function modmul(a, b, m): p := mul(a, b) q, r := divmod(p, m) return r In practice, we'll want to be more efficient. So we'll interleave the steps of the multiplication with steps of the reduction: function modmul(a, b, m): p := 0 while a > 0: if a & 1: p := p ^ b a := a >> 1 b := b << 1 if deg(b) = deg(m): b := b ^ m return p You can implement both versions to prove to yourself that the output is the same. Division is also different. Remember that in fields of size p we defined it as multiplication by the inverse. So you'll need to write a modinv function. It should be pretty easy to translate your existing integer modinv function. I'll leave that to you. You may find yourself in want of other functions you take for granted in the integer setting, e.g. modexp. Most of these should have straightforward equivalents in our polynomial setting. Do what you need to. Okay, now that you are the master of GF(2^k), we can finally talk about GCM. Like I said (many words ago): CTR mode for encryption, weird MAC in GF(2^128). Here's the modulus for that field: x^128 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1 The size of this field was chosen very specifically to match up with the width of a 128-bit block cipher. We can convert a block into a field element trivially; the leftmost bit is the coefficient of x^0, and so on. I described the MAC at a very high level. Here's a more detailed view: 1. Take your AES key and use it to encrypt a block of zeros: h := E(K, 0) h is your authentication key. Convert it into a field element. 1. Zero-pad the bytes of associated data (AD) to be divisible by the block length. If it's already aligned on a block, leave it alone. Do the same with the ciphertext. Chain them together so you have something like: a0 || a1 || c0 || c1 || c2 2. Add one last block describing the length of the AD and the length of the ciphertext. Original lengths, not padded lengths; bit lengths, not byte lengths. Like this: len(AD) || len(C) 3. Take h and your string of blocks and do this: g := 0 for b in bs: g := g + b g := g * h Convert the blocks into field elements first, of course. The resulting value of g is a keyed hash of the input blocks. 4. GCM takes a 96-bit nonce. Do this with it: s := E(K, nonce || 1) t := g + s Conceptually, we're masking the hash with a nonce-derived secret value. More on that later. t is your tag. Convert it back to a block and ship it. Implement GCM. Use AES-128 as your block cipher. You can probably reuse whatever you had before for CTR mode. The important new thing to implement here is the MAC. The above description is brief and informal; check out the spec for the finer points. Since you've already got the tools for working in GF(2^k), this shouldn't take too long. Okay. Let's rethink our view of the MAC. We'll use our example payload from above. Here it is: t = (((((((((((h * a0) + a1) * h) + c0) * h) + c1) * h) + c2) * h) + len) * h) + s Kind of a mouthful. Let's rewrite it: t = a0*h^6 + a1*h^5 + c0*h^4 + c1*h^3 + c2*h^2 + len*h + s In other words, we calculate the MAC by constructing this polynomial: f(y) = a0*y^6 + a1*y^5 + c0*y^4 + c1*y^3 + c2*y^2 + len*y + s And computing t = f(h). Remember: as the attacker, we don't know that whole polynomial. We know all the AD and ciphertext coefficients, and we know t = f(h), but we don't know the mask s. What happens if we repeat a nonce? Let's posit this additional payload encrypted under the same nonce: b0 || d0 || d1 That's one block of AD and two blocks of ciphertext. The MAC will look like this: t = b0*h^4 + d0*h^3 + d1*h^2 + len*h + s Let's put them side by side (and rewrite them a little): t0 = a0*h^6 + a1*h^5 + c0*h^4 + c1*h^3 + c2*h^2 + l0*h + s t1 = b0*h^4 + d0*h^3 + d1*h^2 + l1*h + s See how the s masks are identical? They depend only on the nonce and the encryption key. Since addition is XOR in our field, we can add these two equations together and that mask will wash right out: t0 + t1 = a0*h^6 + a1*h^5 + (c0 + b0)*h^4 + (c1 + d0)*h^3 + (c2 + d1)*h^2 + (l0 + l1)*h Finally, we'll collect all the terms on one side: 0 = a0*h^6 + a1*h^5 + (c0 + b0)*h^4 + (c1 + d0)*h^3 + (c2 + d1)*h^2 + (l0 + l1)*h + (t0 + t1) And rewrite it as a polynomial in y: f(y) = a0*y^6 + a1*y^5 + (c0 + b0)*y^4 + (c1 + d0)*y^3 + (c2 + d1)*y^2 + (l0 + l1)*y + (t0 + t1) Now we know a polynomial f(y), and we know that f(h) = 0. In other words, the authentication key is a root. That means all we have to do is factor the equation to get an extremely short list of candidates for the authentication key. This turns out not to be so hard, but we will need some more tools. First, we need to be able to operate on polynomials with coefficients in GF(2^128). (Don't get confused: before we used polynomials with coefficients in GF(2) to represent elements in GF(2^128). Now we're building on top of that to work with polynomials with coefficients in GF(2^128).) The simplest representation is probably just an array of field elements. The algorithms are all going to be basically the same as above, so I'm not going to reiterate them here. The only difference is that you will need to call your primitive functions for GF(2^k) polynomials in place of your language's built-in arithmetic operators. With that out of the way, let's get factoring. Factoring a polynomial over a finite field means separating it out into smaller polynomials that are irreducible over the field. Remember that irreducible polynomials are sort of like prime numbers. To factor a polynomial, we proceed in three (well, four) phases: 0. As a preliminary step, we need to convert our polynomial to a monic polynomial. That just means the leading coefficient is 1. So take your polynomial and divide it by the coefficient of the leading term. You can save the coefficient as a degree zero factor if you want, but it's not really important for our purposes. 1. This is the real first step: we perform a square-free factorization. We find any doubled factors (i.e. "squares") and split them out. 2. Next, We take each of our square-free polynomials and find its distinct-degree factorization. This separates out polynomials that are products of smaller polynomials of equal degree. So if our polynomial has three irreducible factors of degree four, this will separate out a polynomial of degree twelve that is the product of all of them. 3. Finally, we take each output from the last step and perform an equal-degree factorization. This is pretty much like it sounds. In that last example, we'd take that twelfth-degree polynomial and factor it into its fourth-degree components. Square-free factorization and distinct-degree factorization are both easy to implement. Just find them on Wikipedia and go to town. I want to focus on equal-degree factorization. Meet Cantor-Zassenhaus: function edf(f, d): n := deg(f) r := n / d S := {f} while len(S) < r: h := random_polynomial(1, f) g := gcd(h, f) if g = 1: g := h^((q^d - 1)/3) - 1 mod f for u in S: if deg(u) = d: continue if gcd(g, u) =/= 1 and gcd(g, u) =/= u: S := union(S - {u}, {gcd(g, u), u / gcd(g, u)}) return S It's kind of brilliant. Remember earlier that we said a finite field of size p^k can be represented as a polynomial in GF(p) modulo any monic, irreducible degree-k polynomial? Take a moment to convince yourself that a field of size q^d can be represented by polynomials in GF(q) modulo a polynomial of degree d. f is the product of r polynomials of degree d. Each of them is a valid modulus for a finite field of size q^d. And each field of that size contains a multiplicative group of size q^d - 1. And since q^d - 1 is always divisible by 3 (in our case), each group of that size has a subgroup of size 3. It contains the multiplicative identity (1) and two other elements. We have a simple trick for forcing elements into that subgroup: simply raise them to the exponent (q^d - 1)/3. When we force our random element into that subgroup, there's a 1/3 chance we'll land on 1. This means that when we subtract 1, there's a 1/3 chance we'll be sitting on 0. The only hitch is that we don't know what these moduli are. But we don't need to! Since f is their product, we can perform these operations mod f and implicitly apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem. So we do it: generate some polynomial, raise it to (q^d - 1)/3, and subtract 1. (All modulo f, of course.) Compute the GCD of this polynomial and each of our remaining composites. For any given remaining factor, there's a 1/3 chance our polynomial is a multiple. In other words, our factors should reveal themselves pretty quickly. Just keep doing this until the whole thing is factored into irreducible parts. Once the polynomial is factored, we can pick out the authentication key at our leisure. There will be at least one first-degree factor. Like this: y + c Where c is a constant element of GF(2^128). It's also a candidate for the key. It's possible you'll end up with a few first-degree factors like this. The key will be one of them. If you do have more than one candidate, there are two ways to narrow the list: 1. Recover another pair of messages encrypted under the same nonce. Perform the factorization again and identify the common factors. The key will probably be the only one. 2. Just attempt a forgery with each candidate. This is probably easier.