require_relative '../util' # same procedure as in challenge #7 PLAINTEXT = pkcs7unpad(aes_ecb_decrypt(b64decode('25.txt', &:read)), 'YELLOW SUBMARINE'.bytes)) NONCE = 42 KEY = random_bytes(16) CIPHERTEXT = aes_ctr_encrypt(PLAINTEXT, KEY, NONCE) # inefficient implementation def edit(ciphertext, key, nonce, offset, newtext) assert(offset < ciphertext.size) assert(offset + newtext.size <= ciphertext.size) decrypted = aes_ctr_decrypt(ciphertext, key, nonce) newtext.each_with_index { |byte, i| decrypted[offset + i] = byte } aes_ctr_encrypt(decrypted, key, nonce) end # efficient implementation # def edit(ciphertext, key, nonce, offset, newtext) # assert(offset < ciphertext.size) # assert(offset + newtext.size <= ciphertext.size) # block_skip = offset / 16 # block_count = (newtext.size / 16) + 1 # hunk = aes_ctr_decrypt(ciphertext, key, nonce, # block_skip, block_count, block_skip) # newtext.size.times { |i| hunk[offset % 16 + i] = newtext[i] } # patch = aes_ctr_encrypt(hunk, key, nonce, 0, block_count, block_skip) # patched = ciphertext.clone # patch.size.times { |i| patched[block_skip * 16 + i] = patch[i] } # patched # end def api_edit(ciphertext, offset, newtext) edit(ciphertext, KEY, NONCE, offset, newtext) end plaintext = 'mississippi bank01234567890'.bytes ciphertext = aes_ctr_encrypt(plaintext, KEY, NONCE) offset = 16 newtext = '*'.bytes new_ciphertext = edit(ciphertext, KEY, NONCE, offset, newtext) editedtext = 'mississippi bank*1234567890'.bytes assert(aes_ctr_decrypt(new_ciphertext, KEY, NONCE) == editedtext) # the idea here is that if you edit a byte of the ciphertext and the # result is the same, you've guessed that byte of the plaintext # inefficient decryption (doesn't take advantage of CTR) # def guess_byte(ciphertext, offset) # (0..127).each do |byte| # return byte if ciphertext == api_edit(ciphertext, offset, [byte]) # end # raise "couldn't guess byte" # end # CIPHERTEXT.size.times { |i| print guess_byte(CIPHERTEXT, i).chr } # efficient decryption random_message = random_bytes(CIPHERTEXT.length) edited_message = api_edit(CIPHERTEXT, 0, random_message) puts str(xor_buffers(xor_buffers(CIPHERTEXT, edited_message), random_message))