## About A mode for the [ChucK] audio programming language. This was written in a fit of rage after discovering that [the existing mode made it into the Emacs attic]. Based upon [CC Mode]. ## Installation Install manually or via [Quelpa] for the time being. ## Usage Just code away. There are no special features (like, automating `chuck`) included yet... ## Alternatives Use the [Emacs attic version][the existing mode made it into the Emacs attic] for more highlighted UGens, `chuck` automation support, electric operators and snippets. [ChucK]: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ [the existing mode made it into the Emacs attic]: https://github.com/emacsattic/chuck-mode [CC Mode]: http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net/ [Quelpa]: https://github.com/quelpa/quelpa