require_relative 'util' # --- Day 23: Opening the Turing Lock --- # Little Jane Marie just got her very first computer for Christmas # from some unknown benefactor. It comes with instructions and an # example program, but the computer itself seems to be # malfunctioning. She's curious what the program does, and would like # you to help her run it. # The manual explains that the computer supports two registers and six # instructions (truly, it goes on to remind the reader, a # state-of-the-art technology). The registers are named a and b, can # hold any non-negative integer, and begin with a value of 0. The # instructions are as follows: # - `hlf r` sets register r to half its current value, then continues # with the next instruction. # - `tpl r` sets register r to triple its current value, then # continues with the next instruction. # - `inc r` increments register r, adding 1 to it, then continues with # the next instruction. # - `jmp offset` is a jump; it continues with the instruction offset # away relative to itself. # - `jie r, offset` is like jmp, but only jumps if register r is even # ("jump if even"). # - `jio r, offset` is like jmp, but only jumps if register r is 1 # ("jump if one", not odd). # All three jump instructions work with an offset relative to that # instruction. The offset is always written with a prefix + or - to # indicate the direction of the jump (forward or backward, # respectively). For example, `jmp +1` would simply continue with the # next instruction, while `jmp +0` would continuously jump back to # itself forever. # The program exits when it tries to run an instruction beyond the # ones defined. # For example, this program sets a to 2, because the jio instruction # causes it to skip the tpl instruction: # inc a # jio a, +2 # tpl a # inc a # What is the value in register b when the program in your puzzle # input is finished executing? input ='23.txt') { |f| } test_input = "inc a\njio a, +2\ntpl a\ninc a".split("\n") class Computer attr_accessor :registers def initialize(input) @registers = { a: 0, b: 0 } @program = { |line| parse(line) } @pc = 0 end def parse_arg(arg) if arg[/^[-+]?\d+$/] arg.to_i else arg.to_sym end end def parse(line) line.split(/,?\s/).map { |arg| parse_arg(arg) } end def fetch assert(@pc < @program.length) result = @program[@pc] @pc += 1 result end def hlf(reg) @registers[reg] /= 2 end def tpl(reg) @registers[reg] *= 3 end def inc(reg) @registers[reg] += 1 end def jmp(offset) # HACK: account for fetch always incrementing @pc @pc += offset - 1 end def jie(reg, offset) @pc += offset - 1 if @registers[reg].even? end def jio(reg, offset) @pc += offset - 1 if @registers[reg] == 1 end def step op, *args = fetch send(op, *args) end def done? @pc < 0 || !@program[@pc] || @recovered end def run step until done? end end computer = assert(computer.registers[:a] == 2) def easy(input) computer = computer.registers[:b] end puts "easy(input): #{easy(input)}" # --- Part Two --- # The unknown benefactor is very thankful for releasi-- er, helping # little Jane Marie with her computer. Definitely not to distract you, # what is the value in register b after the program is finished # executing if register a starts as 1 instead? def hard(input) computer = computer.registers[:a] = 1 computer.registers[:b] end puts "hard(input): #{hard(input)}"