require_relative 'util' require 'set' # --- Day 19: Medicine for Rudolph --- # Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is sick! His nose isn't shining very # brightly, and he needs medicine. # Red-Nosed Reindeer biology isn't similar to regular reindeer # biology; Rudolph is going to need custom-made # medicine. Unfortunately, Red-Nosed Reindeer chemistry isn't similar # to regular reindeer chemistry, either. # The North Pole is equipped with a Red-Nosed Reindeer nuclear # fusion/fission plant, capable of constructing any Red-Nosed Reindeer # molecule you need. It works by starting with some input molecule and # then doing a series of replacements, one per step, until it has the # right molecule. # However, the machine has to be calibrated before it can be # used. Calibration involves determining the number of molecules that # can be generated in one step from a given starting point. # For example, imagine a simpler machine that supports only the # following replacements: # H => HO # H => OH # O => HH # Given the replacements above and starting with HOH, the following # molecules could be generated: # - `HOOH` (via `H => HO` on the first H). # - `HOHO` (via `H => HO` on the second H). # - `OHOH` (via `H => OH` on the first H). # - `HOOH` (via `H => OH` on the second H). # - `HHHH` (via `O => HH`). # So, in the example above, there are 4 distinct molecules (not five, # because `HOOH` appears twice) after one replacement from # `HOH`. Santa's favorite molecule, `HOHOHO`, can become 7 distinct # molecules (over nine replacements: six from H, and three from O). # The machine replaces without regard for the surrounding # characters. For example, given the string `H2O`, the transition `H # => OO` would result in `OO2O`. # Your puzzle input describes all of the possible replacements and, at # the bottom, the medicine molecule for which you need to calibrate # the machine. How many distinct molecules can be created after all # the different ways you can do one replacement on the medicine # molecule? input ='19.txt') { |f| } rules = { |line| line[/=>/] }.map { |line| line.split(' => ') } source = input[-1] test_rules = [%w[H HO], %w[H OH], %w[O HH]] def patch(source, i, from, to) a = source[0...i] b = source[(i + from.length)..-1] a + to + b end assert(patch('foobarXqux', 6, 'x', 'baz') == 'foobarbazqux') def easy(source, rules) molecules = (0...source.length).each do |i| s = source[i..-1] rules.each do |from, to| molecules << patch(source, i, from, to) if s.start_with?(from) end end molecules.length end assert(easy('HOH', test_rules) == 4) puts "easy(source, rules): #{easy(source, rules)}" # --- Part Two --- # Now that the machine is calibrated, you're ready to begin molecule # fabrication. # Molecule fabrication always begins with just a single electron, e, # and applying replacements one at a time, just like the ones during # calibration. # For example, suppose you have the following replacements: # e => H # e => O # H => HO # H => OH # O => HH # If you'd like to make HOH, you start with e, and then make the # following replacements: # - `e => O` to get `O` # - `O => HH` to get `HH` # - `H => OH` (on the second H) to get `HOH` # So, you could make `HOH` after 3 steps. Santa's favorite molecule, # `HOHOHO`, can be made in 6 steps. # How long will it take to make the medicine? Given the available # replacements and the medicine molecule in your puzzle input, what is # the fewest number of steps to go from e to the medicine molecule? test_rules += [%w[e H], %w[e O]] def hard(molecule, rules) replacements = rules.sort_by { |_, t| t.length }.reverse steps = 0 while molecule != 'e' from, to = replacements.find { |_, t| molecule.index(t) } raise 'oof' unless to i = molecule.index(to) molecule = patch(molecule, i, to, from) steps += 1 end steps end assert(hard('HOH', test_rules) == 3) assert(hard('HOHOHO', test_rules) == 6) puts "hard(source, rules): #{hard(source, rules)}"