require_relative 'util' # --- Day 18: Like a GIF For Your Yard --- # After the million lights incident, the fire code has gotten # stricter: now, at most ten thousand lights are allowed. You arrange # them in a 100x100 grid. # Never one to let you down, Santa again mails you instructions on the # ideal lighting configuration. With so few lights, he says, you'll # have to resort to animation. # Start by setting your lights to the included initial configuration # (your puzzle input). A # means "on", and a . means "off". # Then, animate your grid in steps, where each step decides the next # configuration based on the current one. Each light's next state # (either on or off) depends on its current state and the current # states of the eight lights adjacent to it (including # diagonals). Lights on the edge of the grid might have fewer than # eight neighbors; the missing ones always count as "off". # For example, in a simplified 6x6 grid, the light marked A has the # neighbors numbered 1 through 8, and the light marked B, which is on # an edge, only has the neighbors marked 1 through 5: # 1B5... # 234... # ...... # ..123. # ..8A4. # ..765. # The state a light should have next is based on its current state (on # or off) plus the number of neighbors that are on: # - A light which is on stays on when 2 or 3 neighbors are on, and # turns off otherwise. # - A light which is off turns on if exactly 3 neighbors are on, and # stays off otherwise. # All of the lights update simultaneously; they all consider the same # current state before moving to the next. # Here's a few steps from an example configuration of another 6x6 # grid: # Initial state: # .#.#.# # ...##. # #....# # ..#... # #.#..# # ####.. # # After 1 step: # ..##.. # ..##.# # ...##. # ...... # #..... # #.##.. # # After 2 steps: # ..###. # ...... # ..###. # ...... # .#.... # .#.... # # After 3 steps: # ...#.. # ...... # ...#.. # ..##.. # ...... # ...... # # After 4 steps: # ...... # ...... # ..##.. # ..##.. # ...... # ...... # After 4 steps, this example has four lights on. # In your grid of 100x100 lights, given your initial configuration, # how many lights are on after 100 steps? input ='18.txt') { |f| { |l| l.chomp.chars } } test_input = ".#.#.#\n...##.\n#....#\n..#...\n#.#..#\n####..".split("\n") .map(&:chars) class Grid def initialize(input) @grid = input @size = input[0].length end def at(x, y) return nil if x < 0 || y < 0 row = @grid[y] return nil unless row row[x] end def neighbors(x, y) count = 0 offsets = [[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1]] offsets.each do |xo, yo| count += 1 if at(x + xo, y + yo) == '#' end count end def evolve result = { } (0...@size).each do |y| (0...@size).each do |x| is_on = at(x, y) == '#' neighbors = neighbors(x, y) if is_on result[y][x] = [2, 3].include?(neighbors) ? '#' : '.' else result[y][x] = (neighbors == 3 ? '#' : '.') end end end @grid = result end def show @grid.each do |row| puts row.join end puts end def count sum = 0 @grid.each do |row| sum += row.count('#') end sum end end def easy(input, steps) grid = steps.times { grid.evolve } grid.count end assert(easy(test_input, 4) == 4) puts "easy(input, 100): #{easy(input, 100)}" # --- Part Two --- # You flip the instructions over; Santa goes on to point out that this # is all just an implementation of Conway's Game of Life. At least, it # was, until you notice that something's wrong with the grid of lights # you bought: four lights, one in each corner, are stuck on and can't # be turned off. The example above will actually run like this: # Initial state: # ##.#.# # ...##. # #....# # ..#... # #.#..# # ####.# # # After 1 step: # #.##.# # ####.# # ...##. # ...... # #...#. # #.#### # # After 2 steps: # #..#.# # #....# # .#.##. # ...##. # .#..## # ##.### # # After 3 steps: # #...## # ####.# # ..##.# # ...... # ##.... # ####.# # # After 4 steps: # #.#### # #....# # ...#.. # .##... # #..... # #.#..# # # After 5 steps: # ##.### # .##..# # .##... # .##... # #.#... # ##...# # After 5 steps, this example now has 17 lights on. # In your grid of 100x100 lights, given your initial configuration, # but with the four corners always in the on state, how many lights # are on after 100 steps? class StuckGrid < Grid def simulate_stuck_lights @grid[0][0] = '#' @grid[@size - 1][0] = '#' @grid[0][@size - 1] = '#' @grid[@size - 1][@size - 1] = '#' end def initialize(input) super simulate_stuck_lights end def evolve super simulate_stuck_lights end end def hard(input, steps) grid = steps.times { grid.evolve } grid.count end assert(hard(test_input, 5) == 17) puts "hard(input, 100): #{hard(input, 100)}"