require_relative 'util' require 'set' # --- Day 11: Corporate Policy --- # Santa's previous password expired, and he needs help choosing a new # one. # To help him remember his new password after the old one expires, # Santa has devised a method of coming up with a password based on the # previous one. Corporate policy dictates that passwords must be # exactly eight lowercase letters (for security reasons), so he finds # his new password by incrementing his old password string repeatedly # until it is valid. # Incrementing is just like counting with numbers: `xx`, `xy`, `xz`, # `ya`, `yb`, and so on. Increase the rightmost letter one step; if it # was `z`, it wraps around to `a`, and repeat with the next letter to # the left until one doesn't wrap around. # Unfortunately for Santa, a new Security-Elf recently started, and he # has imposed some additional password requirements: # - Passwords must include one increasing straight of at least three # letters, like `abc`, `bcd`, `cde`, and so on, up to `xyz`. They # cannot skip letters; `abd` doesn't count. # - Passwords may not contain the letters `i`, `o`, or `l`, as these # letters can be mistaken for other characters and are therefore # confusing. # - Passwords must contain at least two different, non-overlapping # pairs of letters, like `aa`, `bb`, or `zz`. # For example: # - `hijklmmn` meets the first requirement (because it contains the # straight `hij`) but fails the second requirement requirement # (because it contains `i` and `l`). # - `abbceffg` meets the third requirement (because it repeats `bb` # and `ff`) but fails the first requirement. # - `abbcegjk` fails the third requirement, because it only has one # double letter (`bb`). # - The next password after `abcdefgh` is `abcdffaa`. # - The next password after `ghijklmn` is `ghjaabcc`, because you # eventually skip all the passwords that start with `ghi`..., since # `i` is not allowed. # Given Santa's current password (your puzzle input), what should his # next password be? input = 'vzbxkghb' STRAIGHTS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.each_char.each_cons(3).map(&:join) def first_requirement?(pw) STRAIGHTS.any? { |s| pw.include?(s) } end def second_requirement?(pw) !pw[/[iol]/] end def third_requirement?(pw)\1/)).length >= 2 end def valid_password?(pw) first_requirement?(pw) && second_requirement?(pw) && third_requirement?(pw) end def easy(input) loop do input = return input if valid_password?(input) end end assert(first_requirement?('hijklmmn')) assert(!second_requirement?('hijklmmn')) assert(!first_requirement?('abbceffg')) assert(third_requirement?('abbceffg')) assert(!third_requirement?('abbcegjk')) assert(easy('abcdefgh') == 'abcdffaa') assert(easy('ghijklmn') == 'ghjaabcc') pw = easy(input) puts "easy(input): #{pw}" # --- Part Two --- # Santa's password expired again. What's the next one? puts "easy(input(input)): #{easy(pw)}"